Historical Research POW
WWII in color
On June 24, 1944 USAAF
Sergeant James Weldon Mellody bailed out of
a distressed B-26 bomber that was shot down
over occupied France and he was arrested by the
Nazis shortly after touching ground. An
amazing photo was taken while he was
escorted by 6 Wehrmacht soldiers. The photo
was taken at the very moment a daring French
civilian, Robert Mourand, was saluting the
American POW and simultaneously teasing the
German soldiers.
Click here to find out more
about this extraordinary story.
Colorization expert
David Guihur decided to colorize the photo. A
rather daunting task given the poor quality
of the grainy original black and white
photo. The colorization process required
hours and hours of tedious work, patiently
adding color to each and every detail of the
photo. The result: a fascinating color photo
that gives a more accurate idea of the real
life event.
Before David could get
started with the colorization process, we
first had to do a little research to figure
out the most likely colors for each and
every element of the photo. We tried to
accurately figure out every detail we could
down to the color of the bicycle
registration plate.

Click here
to view full size colorized photo |
My father remembers June 24, 1944 as
being a beautiful cloudless summer day. This is
confirmed by
2Lt Ossian Seipel memoirs: “As we approached
the target area we could see that it really was
defended with an awful lot of flak, hanging like a
bunch of small dark puffy looking clouds in an
otherwise cloudless sky.” We therefore
assumed that the sky was perfectly blue with no
On this early summer day, the
leaves were obviously green.
Photos taken in April 2011 of the
same place were used as reference for the
colorization of the houses.
German Military
The color of the Wehrmacht
uniforms is no mystery and color photos could easily
be found on the internet
The German soldier to the right of
the American POW, has a Gefreiter (caporal) insignia
on his arm. The color of the insignia could be found
USAAF uniform
A search on the internet revealed
fascinating WWII color photos showing USAAF airmen
in uniforms:
The gun
Although not easy to see on the
B&W photo, the German soldier standing to the left
of the POW holds a gun. Charles des MOULINS de
FALAISE identified the gun as being a K98. We could
then easily find photos of K98 guns on the internet
and these photos were used as a reference to
reconstruct the gun.
The road
When watching the black and white
original, it is very difficult to figure out whether
the road is paved or unpaved. When asked, some
senior citizens said it was paved, others said it
was unpaved, others admitted they couldn’t remember
whether the road was paved before or after the war…
Finally, Didier Masfrand could find a color aerial
photo of Elisabethville taken in the 1950’s clearly
showing that the roads were not paved. The color of
the dirt as it appears on the aerial photo was used
as reference for the colorization of the road.
Civilian clothing
There is obviously no way to
figure out the exact color of the civilian clothing
and this is in fact the main items on the photo
along with the color of the hair that
were colorized randomly. However, by looking at
Magazine color photos that were taken a few weeks
later during the liberation of Paris, we could
choose “plausible” colors and the overall colors of
the crowd are relatively realistic.
The above mentioned Life magazine
color photos also provided hints of what the color
of the bicycles might have been.
The bicycle
registration plate
A thread on forum
indicates that during the German occupation, the French bicycle
registration plates were yellow.
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